Fruitport FRC Team
(those things that help us build better robots)
2019 Resource archive, 2020 resource archive,
2021 Resource Archive, 2022 Resource archive
2023 Season FIRST links
Helpful Team links
2023 CHARGED UPSM Season Materials Resource Library
2023 Game Animation CHARGED UPSM
2023 CHARGED UPSM Game Manual - pdf
2023 FRC Game Rules Test from Team 1678
Technical Resources
Kit of Parts (Kickoff Kit, FIRST Choice, & Virtual Kit items, processes)
Playing Field Assets (drawings, CAD models, etc.)
Additional Season Material
District & Regional Events (what to expect, how to prepare, rules)
Events Website (team lists, schedules, results)
Game Summary (single page)
Logos (for the CHARGED UPSM and FIRST ENERGIZESM season)
2023 encryption code: #2023ReAcH4th3T0p!
Note: This is a small list of useful websites that The Techno Trojans use to help us throughout the build season. There are many other sites that will also help for FRC.
FIRST Robotics Competition Suppliers
Infinite Recharge Rules Resource (Rules tests)
Our Scouting App for Android and PC(Scouting)
Cross the Road Electronics (Robot Parts)
WestCoast Products (Robot Parts)
STIMS Registration Help (Student Registration)
VIMS Registration (Volunteer Registration)
More info to come!
Technical file downloads
FRC Technical Resources Library
Guide to an FRC MCC Robot by Team 3847 - pdf
Roboting A Guide for New Teams From Team 5256 - pdf
Roboting A Guide for New Teams Condensed From Team 5256 - pdf
Behind the Lines S01E03- 2014 Motor Spreadsheet by Ken Strafford.xlsx
Java/C++ Downloads
Java/C++ WPILib installer for FRC
2022 FRC Radio Configuration Utility
3rd Party Libraries for VS Code
SPARK MAX Controller Software resources
GitHub Website for examples and version control
PixyCam downloads and resources
Limelight downloads and resources
Java Programming info links
Bare with us as our team transitions to using Java Programming for FRC. We will be adding many helpful links as we find them. Thanks to all the teams out there with your videos and repositories! If you have any helpful links than feel free to send them our way.
FRC Control System / WPI Libraries for help with all things FRC
FRC Team 3255 Java Programming tutorial
FRC Drivable Robot PART 1: Command Based Project Overview
FRC Drivable Robot PART 2: OI and RobotMap / Java VS Code
FRC Drivable Robot PART 3: Drive Subsystem / Java VS Code
FRC Drivable Robot PART 4: Manual Drive Command / Java VS Code
FRC Drivable Robot PART 5: Full Recap and Recode / Java VS Code
FRC Workshop - Introduction to FRC programming
FRC 0 to Autonomous: #1 Arcade drive + auto-line
FRC 0 to Autonomous: #2 Chassis + mechanisms
FRC 0 to Autonomous: #3 PID Auto-line (Part 1)
FRC 0 to Autonomous: #4 PID Auto-line (Part 2)
FRC 0 to Autonomous: #5 Command-Based Robot
Rev Robotics Color sensor resource page
LimeLight advance setting video from FRC Team 3244
FRC Team 3244 Vision, PID, and Motion Profiling video
LabView tech info links
FRC Control System / WPI Libraries for help with all things FRC
FUNdamentals of Labview for FRC - Episode 1:
FUNdamentals of Labview for Vision and Control - Episode 2:
FUNdamentals of Labview Command and Control - Episode 3:
FUNdamentals of Labview Source Code Control: Episode 4:
Labview FRC Painless Autonomous #1
Labview FRC Painless Autonomous #2
Labview FRC Painless Autonomous #3
Perfect Autonomous - FRC Labview
Team 358 Eagle Robotics Labview Screenshots
Rev Robotics Color sensor resource page
LimeLight advance setting video from FRC Team 3244
FRC Team 3244 Vision, PID, and Motion Profiling video
LabView Downloads
Phoenix Tuner and package installer(CAN)
SPARK MAX Controller Software resources
Rev Robotics Color Sensor Labview library
NavX-AE library download and resources
PixyCam downloads and resources
Limelight downloads and resources
2022 FRC radio configuration tool
Helpful Videos from others
Karthik Kanagasabapathy, formally of Simbots FRC Team 1114, talks about Strategic Design for FIRST Robotics
Karthik Kanagasabapathy, formally of Simbots FRC Team 1114, talks about The Chairman's Award